Not For Kids!

Not for Kids! - Book review by Rowena Thomas | 'Amazing Me'

Book Review


Pornography & Cyber Safety



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Short Summary

No matter how hard we try to shield our children from both offline and online risks, there are so many ways for them to still stumble upon inappropriate content. The key is educating our kids about risks like pornography and supporting them through the different traumas that can be attached to it.

What This Book Is About

‘Not For Kids’ by Liz Walker tells a story about Millie, who came across a movie that made her upset. The book then shares how Millie dealt with the experience and how her mum helped her deal with it. This book talks about:

  • The importance of telling a parent or trusted adult when they come across pornography or other content that make them upset
  • That flashbacks of upsetting images sometimes happen
  • Practical tips on how to deal with the flashbacks and the anxiety that comes with it

The book uses comfortable language to help children to become aware of the dangers out there without necessarily traumatising them or making parents feel awkward about discussing the topic.

Reflection and Comments

Pornography is one of the most challenging and critical topics we need to talk about with our children.  As parents, we sometimes think that we are protecting them by not talking about this. Sadly, there are just too many ways for children to be exposed to risks -no matter how hard we might try to protect them.

That’s one amazing thing about this book. It makes that conversation a bit lighter and easier to explain simply because it’s told in a manner that kids will relate to. There’s no fancy language involved – just a story of a young girl exposed to a movie that upset her.

We love that this book emphasises the important role a parent or a trusted adult plays in the. Seeing pornography for the first time can be very traumatic experience for a child. There are kids who feel guilty thinking it’s their fault. There are others who might feel like they’ve been tainted with something really bad. But because of the nurturing tone of this book, the reader is reassured that this is something they can deal with, especially with the support of their parents or carer.

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