Parents’ Guide to Child Protection Education

Parents' Guide to Child Protection Education - Book review by Rowena Thomas | 'Amazing Me'

Book Review





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Short Summary

 Holly-Ann Martin has spent the past 30 years educating people about child abuse prevention and  this comprehensive resource for parents, educators and caregivers will help by giving you tools to educate the children in your care about sexual abuse.

What This Book Is About

This book gives practical ideas and activities and equips parents to teach their children from a young age the language that can help protect them from harm. The topics covered by the book include:

  • The importance of understanding one’s feelings
  • The importance of being safe all of the time.
  • Teaching kids about early warning signs
  • Teaching kids how to put together their own safety team.
  • Teaching kids how to seek help
  • Using the right names for private parts
  • Pornography and its impact on children
  • Cyber Safety
  • What to do if a child is sexually abused

The guide is a wonderful resource for parents and educators who want to ensure that their kids have all the help and support that they need to stay safe and help protect themselves from sexual abuse.

Reflection and Comments

Sexual abuse prevention is one of the things on top of most parents and educators priority list. We love that this book helps us do that. I know Holly-Ann the author, she is someone who has spent almost her entire life teaching about preventing abuse in children and is passionate and excellent at what she does. There are 2 themes in this guide Theme 1 We have the right to be safe all of the time and Theme 2 we can talk with someone about anything. Within those themes are topics such as being safe and the importance of understanding your  feelings, early warning signs safety team and being persistent. Teaching kids how to seek help using the right names for private parts. She even covers cyber safety and there is a practical cyber agreement for your family. Also what to do if your child has seen pornography and what to do if a child discloses that they have been sexually abused. This guide is a wonderful resource.

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