How to Empower Women

It’s International Women’s Day 2019 and the UN theme is ‘Think Equal, Build smart, Innovate for Change’ …isn’t that amazing! All genders are equal but in many societies women are still discriminated against, with sex education not even considered. Many people believe that women’s education is a key factor to change and ongoing health, success and flourishing. So here’s a bit on how we can improve women empowerment and more on how education empowers women.

As a family we have a charity in Northern India and this is definitely the case there. Each year Project Help India holds a women’s conference which aims to empower and educate other women to have strength value and purpose, value themselves and change their communities. Many women who we educate have no idea about the whole topic of sex education and if they did !! WOW! Not only would their health change but their families and wider communities would change for the better too.

For starters once they get their periods they would know why, how and what to do. This could help them go to school as many drop out when they get their periods. They would know that menopause is normal and what happens when they go through it. Contraception, hygiene, consent, healthy relationships, body safety and boundary education would certainly change their lives. Education in women’s health has changed over the years. Historically life was more difficult, women became wives and mothers a lot earlier, as well as contracting diseases with earlier mortality rates. Many women in the past were not concerned about old age because they did not reach it.

So, what’s my point… wherever you live, whoever you are, let’s change the world by educating our girls when it comes to sex education!!! The possibilities are endless. There are so many programs and projects for women empowerment out there that you too can get involved in. We can not only learn how to empower women and young girls but also how to promote gender equality. You can also create your own ideas and ways for women empowerment within your own community. Today we honour and celebrate all the amazing women around the world!

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The facilitator of ‘Amazing Me’, Rowena is a primary trained school teacher, with more than 30 years of experience in sexuality education and a mum of three adult children.

Rowena understands the many complexities and challenges at different stages in a child’s life when talking about tough topics like sex and puberty.

She is passionate about what she does with the goal that open and positive conversations will be started and continued, that puberty is ‘normalised’, relationships enriched and strengthened and as a result, wise choices are made in the future.