5 Ways to Have Positive Conversations With Your Kids

Research tells us that, as a parent or carer, we have far more influence on our child’s sex education than anyone else. So, here are 5 ways to help you to have that influence this year.

5 Ways to have positive conversations with your kids

Be proactive in every-day ways

The opportunities to talk about sex are everywhere, especially in the media, for example, the radio, movies and ads. Sometimes it takes confidence to ask your child questions but they are listening and learning, even if you think that they are not. Kids are like sponges -they listen and learn from what we say and do.

Read a book together or give your child a book to read own their own

Books help you to know what to say to your child because let’s face it, it’s not always easy to know where to start or what to say. I have over 220 sex education books on my bookshelf. There are so many great books that can help and support you, so check them out here.

Start early and talk often

In my experience starting early, age-appropriate conversations are so much easier than starting when your child reaches puberty. In today’s world where our kids are learning mis-information from an early age. Therefore, knowing the accurate information earlier than ever, in the context of your family’s beliefs, is essential.

Talk about your values and beliefs and those of others too

Yes, the facts are important but what do you want your child to know about sex in terms of your beliefs, values and faith (if this is important to you)? How is your child going to know these things if you don’t talk about what they are? Respect and empathy of others is essential. Knowing that other people have different views can help your child to form their own personal perspectives later on.

Don’t ‘give up’ if you ‘stuff up’

I have so many parents tell me that they have either missed opportunities to start a positive conversation or said the wrong thing. It’s a really tough topic so take a big deep breath and try again next time! The good news is that it’s not a one-off conversation and that just because you’ve missed an opportunity doesn’t mean you won’t get another one.

5 Ways to Have Positive Conversations With Your Kids

So, here’s to creating opportunities for talking openly with your kids. You can be a parent (or carer) who your child goes to when they want to know about sex, pornography, puberty, consent, body safety and the many other conversations around sexual health!

Talk Soon. Talk Often - Book review by Rowena Thomas | 'Amazing Me'

Talk soon. Talk often.

This book is a guide for parents who don’t know how to answer their kids’ questions about sex and relationships.

No Shame - Book review by Rowena Thomas | 'Amazing Me'

No shame

For parents who want to help their kids deal with sex, relationships, and more they’ll deal with in the future.

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The facilitator of ‘Amazing Me’, Rowena is a primary trained school teacher, with more than 30 years of experience in sexuality education and a mum of three adult children.

Rowena understands the many complexities and challenges at different stages in a child’s life when talking about tough topics like sex and puberty.

She is passionate about what she does with the goal that open and positive conversations will be started and continued, that puberty is ‘normalised’, relationships enriched and strengthened and as a result, wise choices are made in the future.