Understanding the meaning of wet dreams

Our kids will soon ask about this. Are you prepared with the right explanation yet?

First of all, it is a good sign that your kids go to you to find the answer to their question. For that, you can also give them a good response:

You can answer : What a great question! Our bodies are amazing and they do things for a reason. 

Explain to them that wet dreams can happen to everyone, but during puberty they can happen a lot more often if the body makes sperm. 

From there, you can explain to them more about the sperm and why their body release that during the night. 

Move on and create a fun and interesting conversation about sex and puberty with your kids while providing a the right response. 

Is it normal? Should they feel ashamed about it?  Find the right flow to explain to our kids so they understand the meaning of wet dream. Click the link below.